George brought Cynthia to St. Thomas. She had to work off the trip and did so by doing projects at the house and cleaning the wine room at the restaurant...that was major. I think she may have had moments when she wished she had not come, but she has to be glad now that she did have this experience. It was clear that she would not ever want to live there. It is not for everyone. Here is a reminder that there was some good stuff, too.
Cynthia arrived all happy to be in St. Thomas. You have to stop for the free shot of rum the first time you come here.

Okay, maybe it was two shots. We drove all of 15 minutes to the house. It is always fun to watch someone see for the first time what you see everyday. The house,
The sugar birds and humming birds that hang out in the tree next to the deck (it did not take long for the foliage to return after the recent hurricane had stripped the tree of its leaves).

The views from the house.
The Iguanas that hang out just outside the guestroom,
and the large agave plant.
The cruise boats that silently slide by the house.
Always the sunsets.

George drove Cynthia around the neighborhood to see nearby things we see everyday.

And he treated her to our famous milkshakes at Udder Delight.

George always like to ride over to his property at Magen's Bay...Peterborg.

It was getting dark, but we had to take her to the beach at Magen's Bay. The bugs were bad so we did not stay long, but she did get to go to one of the most beautiful beaches you will ever see.

Back at the house, she saw some of our night time beauty.

Before Cynthia started working off her trip, we went to Jost Van Dyke (BVI) on our friend's boat. Ya gotta like that.

George treated Cynthia and I to a day of swimming with turtles on Drake Island. This is an excursion you sign up for and you leave from the Marriott. Our friend, Captain Mike Coyle, was our host for the day on the Fury. I highly recommend him if you ever visit St. Thomas. He is very funny and he makes this a great adventure. You get a very good lunch on the boat as part of the deal. Never snorkeled? Don't worry, Cpt. Mike makes it easy for you to try and provides all the gear you need. Cynthia got the hang of it and she is afraid of eveything! I don't have too many pictures to offer as we were in the water without a camera swimming with the turtles and fishies. If you go, check him out. Better yet, reserve your space. This is a very popular excursion.

Cynthia was amazed at the number of Iguana's that await your return hoping you will drop a morsel of food.

Now here is a small world story. Cynthia used to live in Seattle. Her best friend, with whom she still talks regularly, is Cpt. Mike's wife's cousin. Cynthia was thrilled to meet him and even more thrilled when he and Linda came to the restaurant for dinner. Cynthia joined them. It was like she had known them forever. They called the cousin in Seattle.
Linda is the sweetest thing you ever met. She gives a wonderful facial. You can find her at Esthetica in St. Thomas. Check out their website. You can book an appointment or buy a gift certificate for someone you know who is going to be traveling there.

Water Island is one of the islands you see from our deck and is only 15 minutes away by boat. We took Cynthia over for lunch on the beach. This is the dock where you arrive. You are looking back at St. Thomas.

The first thing you come to is the Post Office/Library. This is island living.

During our travels, we saw boats that were beached during the hurricane that hit in August.

The beach here is small and lovely.

Trees on the beach offer a reprieve from the heat.

This lady sets up on the beach everyday to make lunch for you. Not too bad. Saturdays the beach fills up with tourists brought over on chartered boats.

When you live on the islands you get jaded to the chickens that run wild. Cynthia was amazed by them. She was trying to get pictures of them when these two jumped into a trash can providing her with a great photo op.

Some friends invited us to go out on their boat on Cynthia's last weekend. It was a picture perfect day and so relaxing. We got to do some swimming and snorkeling and some good eating.

One of fun things about boating is seeing things you can only see from the water.

Evenually you get to a place where you want to stop and spend some time. This was a beautiful spot where we swam, snorkeled and ate lunch.

At the end of the day, you travel back toward the sunset. What could be better.
I was grateful for all the work Cynthia did. I am grateful for all the things George made possible for Cynthia during her visit.