
Monday, October 2, 2017

Sedona Rainstorm

Beautiful blue, cloudless skies accented the red rocks most days during our travels in Arizona. Then there was that one day that a thunderstorm followed us as we drove along in search of Pueblo ruins.

(from Feeling The Storm by Leisa M Dierdorf-Lessard)

Closing her eyes and inhaling - slowly,
letting her skin savor the moisture in separate, single increments.
It was as if every cell of her body had come alive,
dancing with same electrical intensity as the lightning
that surged through the sky.
The thunder, an angry grumble of nature rumbled over head.
In those few moments, she felt joyously alive...
And she knew no fear.

Locked in a spell of the elements...

Feeling the storm...

Bringing her peace...With herself...
Bringing her peace...With the world.


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