Honestly, you never know what the day is going to bring. I have been thinking of driving to Clifton Forge to browse in the Art Center, but have not made the time for the trip. I sold a couple of items on Alleghany County Bulletin Board and agreed to deliver them to the buyer in Clifton Forge. I have the day off, it is not raining and I can scratch my art itch. I can feel the magic of the day while driving on I64 toward Clifton. Usually I eat at Jack Mason's Tavern, but my buyer works at The Club Car Shop and Deli so I will have a late lunch there. I have heard good things about The Club Car and have thought of eating there. Can't say why I haven't, but I am going there anyway so I will give it a try. Kara greeted me by name...maybe because she could see her box of goodies had arrived. Nevertheless, her wonderful personality greets you before her person does. She happens to own the business with her parents.
The shop is a fun browse while you wait for your table.
While browsing, I heard a waitress describing the lunch special. Forget looking at the menu...I want that! I did look at the menu, but stuck with the special, which was DE-LISH! I started with a cup of roasted tomato soup, which is made by Kara. Followed by turkey with lettuce and dried cranberries on a spinach wrap. OMG!!
To make room for dessert, I took half of the wrap home for dinner. Yum. If you have been reading my posts for a while, you may have noticed that I enjoy bread pudding (check out my post when I visited Oregon). If it is on the menu, I will order the bread pudding regardless of what wonderful chocolate dessert is offered. Even the hot melt ones, which I can barely resist. Kara has not one, but two bread puddings. She suggested I try the "regular" bread pudding. I swear, if there had not been people sitting nearby, I would have picked up the plate and licked it. :)
Not only will I come back to The Club Car, I will make it a destination. Next time I want to try one of the salads, which look so fresh. And I will try another soup and a chocolate dessert. In fact, I will keep going back in an attempt to eat my way through the menu. They have a nice website. If you want to learn more, go to http://clubcarva.com/. Bon appetite.